So, confession time...I am addicted to making lists. I absolutely love, love, LOVE to create lists. It can be a list for chores, groceries, to prepare for an event, anything really. I will even admit that I get more satisfaction from creating the list than I do actually doing any of the items on the list. LOL
However, I have found that making lists has actually made me and my family better at actually completing an entire task. For instance, cleaning the house is one thing that the entire family seems to easily get side-tracked on. And none of us our immune from our inability to stay focused.
The youngest started cleaning the kitchen, but when she went outside to take out the trash, she saw the kitten and had to stop and pet it. Then she realized the kitten needs food, and that her box needs a fresh blanket put down. Two hours later, my sweet girl comes back inside from taking out the trash and completely forgets to finish cleaning the kitchen.
My son was given the chore of doing laundry. While collecting dirty clothes from all bedrooms, he notices his sister's wrestling bag on the floor which reminded him that he forgot to bring in his practice clothes after open mats the night before. When he goes into the garage to get his clothes from the truck, he sees the sign that he had painted for his room and left to dry. So, he brings it inside to hang on his wall, yet still never grabbed his practice clothes from the truck or even changed around one load of laundry.
I could actually make lists upon lists (we know how much I love to make lists) of the ways that all of us get distracted. Not one member of our household is immune from it.
So how have we worked together to come to a solution for this issue?
I made a list!!! I know you're shocked right now!!! haha I actually made several lists...ahhh talk about therapeutic. Mama's now in her happy place.
Here's how I did it:
I stopped trying to make it about doing one chore for the whole house at once. Instead, I broke each room down. So, laundry no longer includes going room to room to collect dirty clothes, washing windows doesn't mean every window in the house, even sweeping the floors is done room by room.
I, also, I made the lists very specific, and each list is put in the room that it is for, so if I am cleaning the kitchen and get distracted in another room, I can come right back to see what needs completed. Sometimes I will even start on lists in another room. Like when I'm putting away laundry that has been piled on the living room couch, I will see the list in my room and decide that I should go ahead and make my bed. I enjoy doing it that way. I like going room to room and doing a few things, but thanks to my lists, I know exactly what else still needs to be completed. I just turn on the music and go at my own pace.
Now the kids, they like to make it into a competition to see who can complete the most list items the fastest, and as they complete something, it gets crossed off and initialed. They have always enjoyed competing over everything from who can eat their food the fastest, who can get their seat belt on first, and now who can complete the most number of chores!
I'm not going to complain at all about their competitiveness if it means the chores are getting done! Mama gets to make lists and clean at her pace, and the kiddos have found a way to make it fun for them. Where as before there was always fighting about who had to do which chore. Now they look at the list and get to work.
Here's a few examples of the lists that I make for each room:
Upstairs bathroom
Clean mirror
clean mirror frame
clean window, make sure to clean the window sill
clean off and organize vanity countertop
wipe down vanity countertop, sink, and faucet
clean inside toilet bowl
wipe off outside of toilet bowl and the top, sides, and bottom or tank
clean shower walls, shower floor, shower head
take dirty clothes to the laundry room
sweep and mop floors
Dining room
clean off table
wash table top and dry it
put table runner back on, if it is dirty, take to laundry and put a new table runner down
wipe down chairs: backs, seats, legs
if chair cushions are dirty, use a rag and spot treat it
move all chairs to sweep and mop under table
wash window, this means also flipping window in to wash the outside of it
take all shoes to the front closet or bedrooms of the shoe owner and washing the window track
sweep and mop the floor by the patio door
wash patio door - inside, outside, and door track
As you can see the list is comprehensive, not just clean off the table which to me as mom would include everything listed. However, I have learned that to my husband and children, clean off the table simply means removing items from the table and does not include actually washing it down, replacing dirty table runners, etc. I have found the more detailed I am, the better it all gets done.
We are far from perfect, and there are days that even my lists aren't able to save us. But they do help a ton, and I hope they will help you, too!
And remember...a messy house means that you've been blessed with a family that is loving life, well-dressed, and eating well!
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