Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Public restrooms - North Carolina and Target are wrong

So here's my thoughts on public restrooms...
North Carolina should not have passed any laws stating people must use the bathroom corresponding to their birth sex and Target should have never passed an open door policy -both are wrong in my opinion! If someone is born a woman or is truly transgender identifying as a woman, then there should be no problem with them using the women's restroom, and I doubt that anyone would question it. I'm not going to ask someone that looks like a woman (even if they just kinda look like a woman) why they are in the women's restroom. I could care less what they were born that is their life, not mine. However, an open door policy allows someone that is a man, with perverse intentions, to enter the women's restroom no questions asked - no objections permitted. This is a problem. This has nothing to do with transgender people. This has everything to do with regulations that are in place to protect citizens - including transgender whom could also be subject to abuse from predators. I'm sure we have all used restrooms when transgender people have also been in there, and we never knew it. We never knew or questioned because they looked like the sex that the restroom was for. But when I do walk into a restroom, I want to have the right to be able to tell a burly bearded man (or anyone looking like a man) that they are not in the correct facility. I realize that a sign on a wall won't stop all predators, and some are of the same sex, but that sign does give me the right to question a man in the women's restroom. That sign gives me the right to call management to remove that person. Without the sign, and regulations that sign represents, I cannot do either of these things. I'm not sure this will make sense to anyone else, but I wanted to share my thoughts. I'm sure some of you will agree and some will not, and I'm open to any civil discussion anyone may want to have. Also, if you do agree, please feel free to share this, as I hope it can shine a light on it for those that don't understand this viewpoint. The greatest part about living in this country is that we all have the right to disagree and express our thoughts freely without fear of punishment from our government. May God bless America and all of you!

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