Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Looks.....

I am still amazed at the looks that I receive from people when they become aware of the lifestyle my family lives. One would think that I would be used to it; after all, I have been receiving these looks from the beginning of my life as a parent 7 years ago.

From the time that Josephine was a baby and I would tell people that I was a breastfeeding /cloth diapering mom, I received more questioning looks than I did approving ones. The breastfeeding seemed to be okay with most people (although many felt that they needed to explain why they had not done so) until they became aware that I was going to continue to do so until my baby was at least a year (if not longer). The cloth diapering brought on many looks; I like to say that I was cloth diapering when cloth diapering wasn't cool. :)

Then the looks that started to occur when people found out that I was planning on home schooling our kids, should have set in concrete what was to come as the kids had gotten older. Yet, even after getting the looks for the breatfeeding, cloth diapering & knowledge of our plan to home school, I still find myself caught off guard by the looks we receive when taking the kids out during the day (when most people assume they should be attending school).

We only have formal in-home instruction 4 days out of the week; which leaves one day every week for our errands and field trips. So, yes, we will be out in the store during the middle of the day. And yes, I hear you whispering, "shouldn't those kids be in school?".  BUT mostly, I notice your looks.... the stares, the glances, and the glares! My children also notice and ask, "why are they looking at us, Mom?".

I am careful to choose my words so that my beautiful children don't feel that they are being judged or have done anything wrong. My usual response is simply that people aren't used to seeing such wonderfully behaved kids at the store; thus they are watching us in awe.

But as for those that are looking.....YES, two of my kids are old enough for school. And YES, they are in school. I am home schooling them, and their education is flourishing both academically as well as socially!
 So, please don't be so quick to judge and stare; as you mostly likely are not aware of the entire situation of any individual.

I have learned through the past 7 years of my parenting career that it is easier to pass judgement on the choices being made by other parents than it is to look at your own decisions. I do not know what works best for your kids, nor do you know what is best for mine. However, I do know that staring and causing a scene, when my children are present, is not in the best interest of anyone. So, please hold your judgement of my family to yourself. And we will continue to raise self-respecting, responsible, respectful home schooled children!